
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Kerrigan feet progress and other updates

So about those dreads....I got my massive stone mold done and started to cast the dreads as a chain of dreads out of a latex skin and expanding flexible foam...did I mention expanding? WELL it expanded so much that it busted my mold...completely. Not only that but it also ruined my dread positives as well so I had to start from square one on those. However, I re-sculpted the dreads and they are awaiting funds to appear so I can try again. Only smarter this time. I am kind of glad that the mold busted because the way that single chain acted more like a pool noodle and less like a rubber hose. Plus the latex was peeling away from the foam! So I am going with a completely different material that is a little more expensive but will have a chemical bond instead of relying on a mechanical one (I put cotton into the latex so it would give the foam something to grab onto).

That is neither here nor there. Here is some pics of my progress on kerrigan's feet, which will be molded and cast at the same time as the dreads! YAY FOR CHRISTMAS MONEY!

As always, feel free to comment! I love reading them!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I haven't forgotten!

Hey guys, I promise I haven't forgotten about y'all!  I was excitedly working on my mold for my dreads when things kept my massive  mold breaking thus ruining the dreads I had sculpted as well. YAY FOR LEARNING! Also when I got done molding the spikes that come out of her forehead my boyfriend and I decided to do a test fitting with some of the bad casts (just in case they got destroyed in the process, some of my molds are on their last leg and I don't wanna push it!).  We applied the neck piece and the forehead spikes one.  Well...I wasn't very happy with the forehead.  The neck went on great but I sculpted the forehead too low, the edges were bad and the blending was a nightmare so 1/2 a step forward, 5 steps back.  So I have to resculpt the dreads, I am going to mold those in a much smaller mold, cast each of the dreads individually then run heavy fishing line through them before I attach them to the wig.  I just got done resculpting the spikes today and they are currently sitting in their urethane jacket mold.  I also resculpted the spikes to be in small groups as opposed to one big prosthetic.  So that will make life a lot easier so I can put the groups where ever I want and it won't be an issue : )  I will also be trying a watermelon vinyl bald cap here soon and will post a review on that once I get some in!  I'm excited!
More posts incoming soon!

If you like my posts please don't hesitate to comment!  If I get a lot of questions I will organize a post at the beginning of each month listing the question and answer (if I have one).  Or if it is a question you would rather not ask here feel free to email me at and I will try and answer your emails in the order they come in.  If its a great question I will ask for your permission to post it (either anonymously or by your first name and last initial).  Thanks!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Silicone hand tutorial

I made a video showing how I made my kerrigan hand prosthetics.  I used silicone and the rest is explained in the video.  I used two different molds so you see how each of them reacts.  Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kerrigan progress 3.25.12

So the burst of motivation continues!  I decided to sculpt a forehead prosthetic for the spikes that come out of her head before they turn into her insect leg dreadlocks.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From now on...

After I complete a work I will put it on here so it does have some place to shine :)  I may be uploading some of my older work as well ! woot!

Showcase: Samus

This is my Samus cosplay and I am quite proud of how she came out :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I did something productive!

So I finally was able to get to something this week due to it being spring break and all so I was able to make Kerrigan's neck piece!  As a disclaimer, when I made my Hydrocal mold the clay wall sunk down and created what is called an undercut and I had to break my mold to get it off of my life cast :( sad day!  However I used an epoxy clay called milliput to resculpt the detail lost due to the massive crack, and that is what the green stuff is.  I put some on my lifecast as well because there was some surface damage to it during the move.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Common cosplay reminders

I know this has been re-iterated across the internet among many many cosplayers how ever anything important is worth saying several times.  A simple list of Do's and Don'ts to help anyone considering cosplaying.  These lists are compiled due to experience! So please don't just write it off as unimportant.

  1. EVER EVER EVER say a bought costume is your own!  It is not only disrespectful but also makes you a liar.  It isn't bad to buy your costume, many people do it and it doesn't make you "less" of a cosplayer, but do not say it is your own creation!
  2. Wait until the last will regret it!  I almost always start my projects at least 6 months ahead of the convention I want to take it to.  Granted that is for a small project!  Most of my big projects I take my time and I don't put deadlines on them because finances and the fact that I am a full time college student so my studies come first :) . 
  3. Think you know everything about a particular design.  Research is more important than you know, so do plenty of it.  
  4. Wait until 2 months before the convention to get a hotel room and expect it to be close by.  This is more for the bigger conventions, and isn't much of an issue for much smaller conventions.  I suggest getting a hotel that is within walking distance of the convention.  Makes life a lot easier when you don't have to try and find a parking space or pay for an expensive cab ride.
  5. Cosplay to just win costume contests.  It only ends in disappointment if you don't win and kind of sours the entire experience.
The DON'Ts are pretty self explanatory just be smart and plan ahead!


  1. Have a good time!  Many cosplayers get so distracted from the speedbumps of making your own costume that they forget to have a good time at the convention.  I have been to a convention missing whole pieces of my costume and guess who noticed?  Just me.  Its not a big deal if it isn't "perfect", just do your best and  have fun!
  2. Get some pictures of your costume for yourself!  There have been a couple costumes that I wore that I didn't get but 2 blurry cell phone pictures out of and it makes me kind of sad.  I wish I had some pictures to show how much work I put into them or how much fun I had.
  3. Pick a costume that is at or slightly above your level.  I am all about challenging yourself!  (Thats all I do :) ) but until you get the hang of it, you may want to stick to things you know you can do.  If you want your first costume to be a 1/16th scale gundam than by all means go ahead and try, but know when to put it down if it is doing nothing but making you stressed out.  You don't want your first experience to be nothing but a downer!
  4. Go to at least one convention!  I started just making costumes for my own enjoyment and that was fun and all, but then I went to a convention and got to meet a whole bunch of new people and made many new friends because of it!  Don't be shy!  If you are curious how someone made something, ask them! Most are more than happy to answer(minus the elitists : / )!
  5. Bring an emergency kit! I don't mean for medical emergencies, unless you need one, I mean a cosplay emergency kit with things like:  electrical/duct tape, super glue, hot glue, a needle with every color thread that is in your costume, batteries (if your costume has lights that require batteries), etc.
  6. LOTS AND LOTS OF RESEARCH! That includes, printing/saving pictures of at least every side (some exceptions if there are no shots of the back ever)  you can take stills of cinematics if there are no in-game shots for video game characters.  However official concept art are great indicators what it is suppose to look like. 
That is about it for now, but you get the drift!  Hope that helped some of the new people considering cosplay :)  Have fun !

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kerrigan progress 2.17.2012

So I've been busy plugging away at Kerrigan trying to get as much done due to my circumstances.  Since my plans to stay living where I currently am does not provide the space needed to do the body casting/sculpting/casting fun-ness I have to stick with the smaller pieces in the meantime.  I finished the sculpt on my left hand about a month ago and went ahead and casted it.